Welcome to the Baltimore IIA Chapter


Upcoming Baltimore Chapter Events:

All of our training is NASBA certified, so it qualifies as CPE credits for Maryland licensed CPAs. This includes online training as well as in-person.

Click on the link for more details and to register.

Description Date
Navigating Pharmacy Risk and Compliance (Webinar) 2/12/25
Artificial Intellgence with Raven Catlin (Webinar) (details and registration coming soon) 3/11/25

Check out events from our neighbors: DC IIA Chapter and NoVa IIA Chapter. Also note that the IIA has several annual conferences including GAM, International, Financial Services, All Star, and Ignite. Find out more at the following link: IIA Conferences.

Event related policies: Cancellations, Inclement Weather, Complementary Registration and Discounts, and Member Rate Reciprocity Policy.


Click on the link for more details.

Description Company Location Posting Date
Internal Auditor II Maryland Department of Transportation Hanover, MD 12/11/24

To post a job, contact our Webmaster at communications@baltimoreiia.org.

The IIA also has a site for job seekers at the following link: IIA Job Center.

Job related policies: Employment Posting.

Chapter News

New CIA Exam

There is a new version of the CIA exam that is coming out in 2025. For more details and FAQs, see the following link: CIA 2025 FAQs.

Recent Certifications

The Baltimore IIA Chapter Leadership Team would like to congratulate the following members who recently earned CIA certifications:

  • Carlton Edwards
  • Abena Ntim Amponsah
  • Tracy Schoenbauer
  • Sarah Lupia

The Chapter also has a LinkedIn Page.


We offer several scholarships up to $3,000 each year. The 2025 application deadline is April 30, 2025. For more information about the scholarships, visit this link: Education - Chapter Scholarships.

There are both local college and IIA Certified Internal Audit review programs available, and the Baltimore Chapter has arranged a discount for the IIA courses. For more information, visit this link: Education - CIA Review Courses.

The IIA is offering scholarships that cover the cost of certain professional development courses. For more information, visit this link: IIA Professional Development Scholarships.

Some local colleges offer educational programs specifically oriented towards internal audit - see the following link for more details: Education - Programs.

About Us

The Baltimore Chapter of the IIA's mission is to promote and develop the internal audit profession in the Maryland business community. We aim to provide exemplary services to the profession and its members while effectively administering the Chapter’s roles and responsibilities.

Click on the following link to find out more about the Chapter: About Us.

You may find out more about how we operate by reviewing our key policies: Key Chapter Policies.

Contact Us

Questions should be directed as follows: training event content questions to the VP Programs, social event questions to the VP Hospitality, training or social event logistics questions to the VP Logistics, payment/ finance questions to the Treasurer (or President), academic relations and scholarship questions to the Academic Relations Committee, and most other inquiries to the President.

Title Name Email
President Jim Jarrell president@baltimoreiia.org
VP Programs Ashley Warlick programs@baltimoreiia.org
Secretary Jovandra Sanderlin communications@baltimoreiia.org
Membership Committee Various membership@baltimoreiia.org
Academic Relations Committee Various academic@baltimoreiia.org
Webmaster Kevin Strickler communications@baltimoreiia.org

Mailing Address:

Institute of Internal Auditors – Baltimore Chapter
P.O. Box 4759
Baltimore, MD 21211